Would you like to earn extra income? Take advantage of this exceptional opportunity to monetise your network while helping others discover the benefits of our platform!
Last update: 30/08/2024
These terms and conditions govern your participation in our affiliate program and set out the terms and conditions. By participating in the program, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions.
You are not allowed to subscribe to SM'URL through your own affiliate link. If we detect any instances of self-referral, your account will be permanently banned and any commission earned will be forfeited.
We do not tolerate attempts to abuse our affiliate system. Any attempt to deceive, manipulate or defraud us or potential customers will result in your account being permanently banned. This includes publishing false discounts on coupon-sharing sites or any other activity contrary to our policies.
You may not run search engine ads (particularly on branded terms or domain names), Facebook/Instagram/Twitter ads or other ads that compete with our own marketing and may confuse customers. We reserve the right to terminate your account if we detect any such activity.
You are not authorised to impersonate us or to claim to be acting on our behalf. This includes impersonating an employee or representative of our platform.
We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions of our affiliate program at any time. We will notify you of any changes to the terms of use on our website and it is your responsibility to review the changes and comply with the updated terms.
By participating in our affiliate program, you agree to abide by these conditions. We reserve the right to terminate your participation in the program at any time and for any reason if you fail to comply with these conditions. If you have any questions about these terms or our affiliate program, please contact us.